Does Your Small Toronto Business Need Local SEO Monthly?

A common misconception among local business owners in Toronto is that they don’t need regular or monthly local SEO services. Some also believe that investing in such services, like optimizing Google My Business profiles for local searches, is useless and a waste of money with no benefits.

Are you one of those who don’t trust that ongoing monthly local SEO efforts are unimportant?

If you trust the results, Later in this post, I’ll show you screenshots of NoxRank’s clients who have benefited greatly, making you confident about why you need these services every month.

Does your small Toronto business need local SEO monthly

Consistently not Working on Local SEO Results

This screenshot shows how one of our client’s websites was severely affected and still hasn’t been recovered.

The bad result of not working on local SEO
This client wanted to save money by not spending on these services, but he needed to realize that the money he was spending could bring him, new customers/clients, every day.

Do you think the same way? No, right?

Benefits of Monthly Local SEO Services

Let’s see what those “6 benefits of monthly local SEO services” are that you can also take advantage of to reach your online potential customers.

1. All-in-One Service Retainer

You can get an integrated services package that includes a combination of services such as writing high-quality content, managing Google Business Profile, etc., that would be expensive if you paid separately. The starting price for these monthly local SEO retainer plans ranges from $250 to $1000 in Toronto.

Here’s a list of bundled local SEO services that most companies in Toronto offer in their monthly retainer plans.

  • Free Consultation
  • Website audit
  • Google Business Profile audit
  • Google search console setup
  • Google analytics setup
  • Website hosting management
  • Creating and verifying Google Business Profile
  • Getting listed on local citations
  • Keyword research
  • Metadata and content optimization
  • Site speed optimization and much more

2. Giving a Tough Time to the Competition

Having regular content written on your website, creating posts on your Google business profile, listing your business on local citation sites, building backlinks, etc., gives your competitors a tough time because you’re investing your money and time for a good ROI.

This Competition for online rankings on Google continues, and the winner is the one who works consistently.

Are you consistent in your efforts to improve online rankings?

3. Consistency in Online Sales

See in the screenshot how a key fob copying expert in Toronto has consistently gotten results over the last year by taking our monthly basic plan.
A reward for regularly working on local SEO
Local SEO services help you maintain and increase online sales while helping you manage expenses. Most business owners in Toronto succeed by spending time/money on these services even though the results are outside everyone’s hands because Google evolves continuously.

“When choosing a monthly local SEO plan, many companies may request a non-refundable setup fee; choose ones who don’t request.”

4. Optimization for Google Updates

You can see in the screenshot how a new business in Toronto recently took our basic monthly retainer plan and is now seeing its website impressions rise, even though it was hit in Google’s last update.
Increase in web impressions of new business in Toronto

Google’s algorithms change, and Google’s new updates keep coming, benefiting some and harming others. You could face similar consequences if you don’t stay current with these upcoming updates and follow proper guidelines. In such cases, business owners who opt for regular local SEO services have nothing to fear.

Did Google’s March 2024 core update harm your website?

5. New Opportunities

When you take local search engine optimization (SEO) services every month, you certainly get new opportunities and see real business growth. New opportunities mean that you find out what trends are happening in the market, how your competitors are writing engaging content, and what you need to do to compete.

I have worked for small businesses in Toronto that started operating in one city. Today, they have expanded to other cities and are earning excellent profits.

Does regular interaction help you trust a service more over time?

6. Trust in the Service-Providers

Taking one-time services makes it difficult to trust the service providers fully. However, when you work with someone every month, they do your work wholeheartedly because they want to retain you. That’s why I have noticed that most local business owners in Toronto prefer monthly pricing plans for local business ranking.

Does regular interaction help you trust a service more over time?

Proof through Screenshots

Now, I’ll show you some results achieved for small businesses in Toronto that will clear your misconception that local SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-time thing.

Would you like to see it? Yes? Then, let’s take a look.

1. Locksmith Business’s GMB Profile Results

You can see in the screenshot how a locksmith storefront in Toronto experienced a 72.51% increase in total searches on its GMB profile over a period of 6-months.
Increase in local searches of Toronto's locksmith business
To achieve such results, our team first removed AI-generated content from this locksmith business’s web pages, wrote good quality content, and corrected their duplicate business listings, among many other things.

2. House Cleaning Business’s GMB Profile Results

The screenshot shows how a house-cleaning business in Toronto experienced a 42% increase in search views and a 77% increase in map views within 4-months. You can learn here what search and map views are.
Increase in search and map views of Toronto's house cleaning business
The GMB profile of the house cleaning business was temporarily suspended because they used a phone number that belonged to another local business in the past. To fix this, we added a new phone number and removed unnecessary web pages and posts. We also corrected some pages that had too many keywords.

Choose NoxRank for Monthly Local SEO Services

We have two local SEO monthly plans: basic, which is C$499, and premium, which is C$999 per month, and we don’t charge you any setup fee. So, why delay? Contact us now.

Key Takeaways

  • To achieve local ranking on Google, you should consistently work on local SEO and adapt to Google’s new updates.
  • In Toronto’s highly competitive market, you need a good team that can develop the best ranking-related strategies and consistently work on them to maximize benefits for your business.
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