Google Search Update March 2024: How to Recover Your Site?

Thousands of websites were removed and deindexed in the early stages of these updates. What does Google want? Let’s see what’s happening and how to recover your website from this update.

Please look at some tools to confirm the “March 2024 Google Core Update”:

Let’s see what significant changes they made and what’s coming next.
Google announced about three significant updates this month. These are:

  1. Broad Core Update
  2. Helpful Content Update
  3. Spam Update
Google Core and spam update March 2024

Google Broad Core Update March 2024

Google’s first broad core update of 2024 is a game-changer. While it may seem daunting, this significant event presents a unique opportunity for website owners and content creators. It’s a change that prioritizes the most valuable content and reduces the visibility of less helpful content in Google’s search results. With this update, Google aims to rank down 40% of websites with low-quality, unoriginal content. Creating valuable, original content is the key to success in this new landscape.

Content solely created to rank for specific search queries is more than unhelpful; it’s detrimental to your rankings. It needs to be more original and provide real value to users. Every day, users turn to Google with billions of questions. The question then arises: why do they choose Google if they don’t find the value they seek? That’s why Google’s broad core update is crucial——it’s a call to prioritize value over rankings.

Google is ranking Reddit’s content these days. The beauty of Reddit’s content is that it’s created naturally, without the pressure of word count and keywords. So, take a breath and write your content naturally. Don’t worry about keywords or word count concerns. Focus on providing value, and the rankings will follow.

Check out the infographic to see the Google search updates from 2023 onward. (Source: Oncrawl)

Google Helpful Content Update March 2024

It’s Google’s last helpful content update. It means that from now on, Google will never separately announce helpful content updates. They will become part of Google’s core ranking system, and Google will exclude websites that don’t create helpful content from SERPs.

It also means that if you have created thin content for some pages, Google will not only hurt the rankings of these pages but also affect the overall website without any notice/update.

Google Spam Update March 2024

This update consists of three elements. Let’s see what they are:

1. Scaled Content Abuse

Content created using AI or a combination of AI and humans. The purpose is to make more content for websites to improve their rankings.

Know how to create helpful content that Google wants for the readers. (Source: Google)

2. Site Reputation Abuse

Site owners who have websites with a good reputation try to publish irrelevant content on their websites. They give backlinks to irrelevant websites so these websites can get some benefits in the rankings. For example, It doesn’t make sense if Netflix writes about a topic: How to rent an apartment in New York.

Google is giving these types of websites two months until May 5, 2024, to make changes if they do that.

3. Expired Domain Abuse

People purchase expired domains to boost search ranking. They intend to manipulate Google’s search results. For example, you bought an expired domain related to health and wellness with a good links profile. Now, you’re creating technology-related content on it. Do you think it makes sense?

If you purchased an expired domain made for another category and are using it for another category, stop working on it. Sooner or later, Google will remove your website, so don’t waste your energy.

How to Recover Your Website from Spam Update March 2024?

There are three actionable things to do to recover your website from “Google search update March 2024.”

1. Delete AI-Generated Content

Google and readers want human-generated content. You need to delete AI-generated content from your website. If you can edit this content manually, remove these words. We observed that all AI tools use these words 70% of the time.
Get the list of prohibited words that AI tools use – Download PDF File.

I tested human-written and AI-generated text to see which tool would produce the best results. The Copyleaks AI content detector tool was the most accurate, with almost 95% accuracy. It’s my favorite tool, and I suggest you try it if your website was penalized by a Google search update on March 12, 2024.

These tools can help you in verifying AI-generated content:

2. Delete Unhelpful Content

If your content doesn’t follow E-E-A-T, please delete it. There’s no need for low-quality content readers want to avoid reading. Quality and originality matter when writing.

3. Remove Irrelevant Inbound Links

You should remove links from irrelevant websites to your website. You have time until May 5, 2024, to do this, but prioritize this task.

Key Takeaways

  • Google’s March 2024 updates prioritize valuable and original content.
  • Websites should focus on creating natural, valuable content and remove AI-generated content and irrelevant inbound links to recover from the update.
  • The updates also target content abuse, site reputation abuse, and expired domain abuse.
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