Google Business Profile
Chat and Call History Changes
Updated: June 13, 2024
Read Time: 2 Minutes
Customers will no longer be able to use the chat option on Google Business Profile, and chat and call history will be discontinued on July 31, 2024.
I suggest quickly saving your Google Business Profile’s chat and call history.

When will New Chat Conversations Stop?
Starting on July 15, 2024, “new chat conversations will be permanently stopped in the Google Business Profile,” which means that customers/clients will no longer be able to message you using Google Business profile. However, they can message you directly on your mobile phone.
What Does This Mean in Simple Words?
In the screenshot, you can see the chat button.

Previously, customers could chat with your local business in 2-ways.
- Send a message by clicking on the chat option on your Google Business profile from your mobile phone.
- You can do this by directly messaging your mobile number.
Messages will only come to your mobile number and not on the Google Business Profile.
When is the Last Day to Save Chat and Call History?
Don’t forget to save your Google Business Profile chat and call history by July 31, 2024. Once it’s gone, you won’t be able to get it back.
Will the Option to Make Calls also End?
Only the chat and call history will be deleted, and the chat option will be ended. Customers/clients can still call you, but their call history will no longer be saved.
Why is Google Doing This?
The screenshot shows how a spammer misused the new chat option by sending a text claiming they sell reviews.

- Many spammers deliberately use the chat option on Google Business profiles to contact local businesses, ask about prices, etc.
- Another reason is that Google is introducing many changes to make things easier for users. Although not guaranteed, and no date is mentioned, Google might introduce a new feature in its place.
What Impact Could These Changes Have on Your Business?
The screenshot shows the average response time, which was a factor for local rankings.

- Responding to customers’ messages on time was a local ranking factor, but now you won’t track how quickly your business replies, which can’t hurt your local rankings.
- A positive effect could be that some spammers who used the chat option on the Google Business profile will now find it difficult since they will have to text you directly using their mobile number.
- You might lose some inquiries because many genuine customers preferred to click on the chat option to get quotations and ask about your business’s products or services, which didn’t require them to use their mobile phone’s messaging data.
Key Takeaways
- A better strategy could be to save the phone numbers of your existing customers/clients before July 31, 2024.
- Deleting the chat option on the Google Business profile may positively and negatively affect your business.
- Always stay prepared for Google and upcoming changes, and give your customers/clients the highest preference.